Tuesday 21 September 2010

Nuclear Waste Appeal Date Looms

DIANE Gifford kindly sent us this update on the horror that is the on-going saga and forthcoming appeal date for Augean appeal to dump nuclear waste in Kings Cliffe.

Diane said: "The hearing is being held in Corby (Holiday Inn) beginning Oct 26.  As you may know, Augean is now applying to extend landfill operations by a further 13 years - to 2026 and to open extra cells to accept more nuclear waste.

"There are 2 items of good news.  Firstly, Kings Cliffe Wastewatchers hae adopted Rule 6 status and will appear as a third party.  (see guide for more info as to what that means)  Secondly, they've secured the services of Dr Chris Busby as an exert witness.  Google his name for more info, but he speaks up at Inquiries questioning the established view of radiation harm. He recently won a case against the MOD over the connection between depleted uranium and Gulf War Syndrome, and has been on the news for his report on birth defects in Fallujah, Iraq, being caused by uranium in shells. He is currently in the USA speaking up for survivors of A-bomb tests, so he is quite a catch."

"As you see, anyone who would like to can speak at the hearing as an "interested party" but names need to be put forward in advance.  Obviously it'll be important to have a good attendance.  Waste Watchers have booked a 28 seater bus for the first day for a show of force - it could collect in Apethorpe"

At present, the details are:

Leaves KC middle skool at 9am, 26th Oct.
Leaves Holday Inn 1pm.

Cost £100.00 - so the charge is £3.50 a seat.

Diane added: "I'd be happy to collate numbers willing to go from Apethorpe  (obviously depending on numbers, a bigger coach might be necessary)  Although the Inquiry usually goes on until 5.00pm, we thought people might not want to stay the whole day, especially if they have kids with them (it is over half term).   Free posters are being produced so they can be displayed in windows and around villages. When the Inspector makes her visit on 25th October, it would be good if there were plenty of these around (plus any flags or any other signs of protest)."

Contact Diane Gifford at: dg@giffordhome.co.uk

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