Saturday, 10 October 2009


Tuesday, 15th September 2009
7-30pm at the Kings Head

NOTES (32 in attendance)

1. Apologies for Absence
Ian Groundwater    Linda Hindmarch        David Manger
George Ord        Richard Parkinson        Andrew Williams
    Mark & Loudine Wiseman
    New residents were welcomed to the village and the meeting:
Nicola Pearson at Dairy Cottage
Robin and Diane Gifford at Willowbrook House
We hope that they will be happy in Apethorpe and enjoy being part of village activities.

2. Minutes of the last Meeting
Accepted as an accurate reflection of meeting

3. Kings Cliffe Landfill site – Disposal of Radioactive Waste
Presentation by Kings Cliffe Waste Watchers
Matthew Kirk and Lisa Emerson attended the meeting to provide presentations and answer questions regarding the proposed use of the landfill site at Kingscliffe for the disposal of ‘low’ and ‘very low’ radioactive waste.
The presentation was well received. The presenters left material for all those in attendance to read.
The presenters provided a template letter that could be used as a guide in objecting to the plans or in asking for an extension to the consultation period                   
It was suggested that a link to the material on the Kings Cliffe Waste Watchers website could be made available via the Apethorpe blog                    ACTION NP/MP
A discussion ensued as to whether Apethorpe parish meeting should object to the plans.
A proposal was made for the meeting to forward a letter to NCC objecting to the plans (proposed A Forbes, seconded M Walsh) and this was carried unanimously            ACTION MWr

4. Matters arising from the last meeting;
a) Apethorpe Village Calendar
Mike Johnson advised that the summer photo collection was on display in the church, in the Kings Head and on the blog. He extended his thanks to Maggie Farmer and the photographers for their help and enthusiasm
The printers have been selected (Austin Rose, P’boro). Each unit will cost in the region of £5.50 - £5.74.
The calendar will be available by mid November. Mike needs to know the size of the order by the end of September (orders please!) and will require payment in advance.
Next year Mike is considering a wildlife theme for the calendar.
The meeting wished a “Happy Birthday’ to Mike who was too modest to share the number of his birthday!!
                            ACTION ALL

b) Community Responder Scheme
Deborah provided an update confirming that the volunteers would be ready for training towards the end of 2009, hopefully ready to go live early 2010.
A request was made for a volunteer who would help with looking after the bank account (treasurer)
c) Allotments
MWr advised that Leader Properties will be visiting the site late September and have suggested the areas are called ‘community gardens’. All future communications will use this phrase
Anne Chamberlain and Carole Forbes have been moving this project forwards. They have reviewed funding including grants and personal donations required.
12 people have registered an interest and they believe that the community gardens will be available March 2010
                                ACTION AC/CF
d) Apethorpe Hall update
John Coulson (EH) visited Apethorpe during June and updated villagers about the hall; this was appreciated
Recent updates to MWr include:
• No buyer has been identified
• Tours less successful this year (30% down on last year, 1500 people visited this year).
• Future of tours is unknown
• Notice board is being processed

Maggie farmer advised that EH had indicated that a villager’s ball had been promised in earlier communications; this will be followed up                ACTION MWr

e) Village Party
MWr extended thanks to Caroline who managed the very successful event. The event raised approximately £1500 which has been equally split between the church and the Community Responder scheme

5. Village telephone Kiosk
MWr provided and update on this issue. The village has been unsuccessful in retaining the use of the BT phone box as only 6 calls were made from it last year (to be viable 300 calls are required)
An enthusiastic discussion followed regarding how the village could buy and maintain the box. The box will cost £51.00 to purchase (includes section 50 licence).
Charles Shaw queried whether there would be ongoing insurance costs. This would be investigated        ACTION MWr

A proposal was made that we should purchase the box (proposed Julia Wells, seconded Maggie Farmer) and that all those present at the meeting could contribute £2.00 enabling the action to be immediate. The motion was carried unanimously. All present donated £2.00.                     ACTION MWr

Maintenance was discussed. Graham Warren agreed to volunteer as ‘maintenance director’. Julia Wells advised that George has agreed to paint the box when required            ACTION GW

6. Communications – The Village Blog
The blog is now managed by Nicola and Marc Potter (Dairy Cottage). Please forward any information to

7. Kings Head Update
Julia thanked the village for their patience during the weekend of the ‘Winder’ wedding.
Upcoming events include:
• Childrens’ Halloween party 3-6pm
• Xmas menus are now available for viewing

The Country shop is doing well and will start to stock more ‘basics’ including home baked bread. If demand continues it is possible that the opening times will be extended

8. Any other Business
a) Manor farm access
Mike Walsh presented the matter of the access to Manor Farm via the driveway to Coach House. He had heard that villagers had not been allowed access and he believes that the current owners may be intending to close the existing access in the future.
MWr suggested that the issue needed to be resolved for the village and advised a conciliatory approach. Mike Johnson volunteered to approach Simon and Rachel to determine the situation and report back.                                    ACTION MJ
A proposal was made to formally approach NCC to determine if there is in fact a right of way through Manor Farm ( proposed by Lois Phillips, seconded Carole Forbes )  and Margaret Parkinson volunteered to deal with this.        ACTION MP

b) Treasurers report
MW presented the accounts. MWr thanked Mike for his continued support

9. Date of the Next Meeting
8th December 2009