Friday, 18 September 2009

Thanks for the welcome...

Getting 200,000 copies of Motor Cycle News to press on a Monday night is pretty nerve-wracking, but nothing like the pressure of pulling together Apethorpe News. Usually I can hide behind a phone if MCN's readers don't like what we've written, not bump into them on a Tuesday night in the Kings Head. So with that in mind, please enjoy the first update of Apethorpe News from my own hand. This newsletter is about you, and the fantastic village that Nicola, Max, Finlay and myself moved into two months ago. And if our welcome is anything to go by, and the village really is as sociable and friendly as it seems then my inbox should be flooded with news. Thanks to Rick for giving me the opportunity to truly feel part of the village. If you would like anything (within reason) posting, my email address is: