Sunday, 1 February 2009

February 2009

So here we are - already well over a month into 2009. I have not had to be too inventive this month as there seems to an awful lot of information coming my way to pass on in the Newsletter. Keep it coming! I have included the usual photo (right) purely for interest. I guess that this issue signals the last in the current year and time for a change on the picture of the church showing top right.

Enjoy the snow scenes - My thanks to Andrea (guess who?) yes Snow
click on the link below.
Beware of Burglaries

Below is a copy of an e-mail received from Laura Parkinson at Michaelmas Cottage on Monday Feb 23rd. It speaks for itself really, and re-inforces that we must all be careful.

Dear Richard, I was wondering if you know who the neighbourhood watch person is for the village. Someone attempted to break in at just gone 12.30 last night. Luckily the dog heard them and we switched the lights on, but our gate was still ajar this morning. A car came and picked someone up on our corner a few minutes later so I think it was probably quite carefully planned. I think I need to up our security levels a bit! If there is a neighbourhood watch person I can email and hopefully they’ll let everyone know, but if not would you mind forwarding a message to the people on your list? I hope you are well. Many thanks. With best wishes, Laura

Apethorpe Hall English Heritage has submitted a Planning Application for Security Gates and Fencing at the top of Laundry Road at the Entrance to Apethorpe Hall. The Planning Application is Ref. No, EN/08/02193/FUL and information on this is available from The deadline date for comments is 12 February 2009.

Apethorpe Calendar Project Guidelines

As agreed at the village meeting on 13th January ’09, an Apethorpe Village Calendar is being produced during 2009 as a communal project for everyone in the village – young and old. The beautiful Apethorpe countryside will be reflected in this calendar with 13 stunning(!) photographs all taken by village residents. This is your opportunity for artistic pride since the selected photographs will be published in the calendar with the best being displayed in the King’s Head and the blog through the year.

The Calendar Project will enable you (and the children) to pick up your cameras and explore the surrounding countryside, seek the best views, submit your photographs and be involved in supporting your village – good exercise and good fun, all in one!

The final Calendar will be professionally produced towards the end of the year and will be ideal for home and office or for presents for family and friends.

Below are the guidelines for submitting photographs for this project:-

1) It is open to all village residents of any age apart from Maggie Farmer who is to be our judge for at least the first year. You can submit as many photos as you like.

2) For this first calendar, photos will be landscapes taken in and around Apethorpe.

3) No photos of other villages and no surreptitious inclusion of your family or pets. As a rough guide, countryside that can be included should be within 30 minutes walk of the village.

4) It is not a competition. We will be selecting a range of photos so if the nine best photos are, for example, beautiful sunsets or the same view, they will not all be selected as we need variety for the final choice. There is no prize for any selected photos apart from the pride of seeing them in the final article.

5) Photos will be submitted in four groups representing the four seasons. There will be deadlines given for each season (see below)

6) The orientation of photos should be landscape

7) Photos need not be taken this year. They can be old ones that you have taken over the years. If you have some very old ones these would also be very welcome.

8) Following each deadline, a pool of between six and ten will be selected for that season. These will go forward for the final choice.

9) When photos go forward for judging, they will be anonymous as far as the judge is concerned. She / he will make their choice bearing in mind:-

A) Quality of photos

B) Originality of photos

C) The need for a variety of views and weather conditions

D) Their adherence to the appropriate season and to the guidelines.

10) The selected photos will be displayed anonymously in the King’s Head within three weeks of the deadline date. Judges choice is final.

11) Photos must be submitted by the appropriate date (see below) and will not be accepted after that date.

12) You may submit photos at any time during the appropriate season, you don’t have to wait for the deadline.

13) The following methods for submitting digital photos are all acceptable (in order of preference):-

A) The preferred method is as attachments to an email to

B) On a USB memory stick or flash memory or similar

C) On a CD or DVD disc

D) Older and film based photos can be scanned, Mike Johnson will help with this if required

B, C and D submitted to Mike Johnson at Lavender Cottage, 5A Manor Farm. They will of course be returned provided names are attached.

14) The selling price will depend on printing costs but the project will be non- profit making

15) Following the final deadline, the final choice of thirteen photos will be selected by the judge from the four pools, one for the cover and one for each month

16) At present we are looking into how to fund the first run of 100 or more calendars

What We Need From You

1) Submitting lots of photos

2) Buying the final calendar (we are hopefully aiming at around £5). We are aware that for some people there may be conflicting loyalties for calendar purchase but you can still submit photos.

3) Suggestions of designers / printers who will produce a quality product at a reasonable price

Submission Deadline Dates

Winter – March 31st 2009

Spring – May 31st 2009

Summer – Aug 31st 2009

Autumn – Oct 31st 2009

Apethorpe Parish Meeting - Notes

Tuesday, 13th January 2009, 7.30pm, Kings Head

1. Apologies: Mike & Lois Phillips, David Manger, Ian Groundwater, Richard Parkinson, Simon Johnson, George Ord, Laura Parkinson.

2. Minutes of last meeting: Accepted as an accurate record

  1. Matters arising

a) Freedom of information act :

Model Publication Scheme, Statutory obligations, Terms of Reference (MWr)

Described by MWr as “Bureaucracy at its worst!”

Applies to Parish meetings (under the auspices of the ‘Model Publication Scheme’) and requires us to provide information on request:

i. Who we are and what we do

ii. How we raise and spend money

iii. Priorities

iv. How we make decisions

v. Policies and procedures

vi. Lists and registers

vii. Services we provide

It was proposed (MWr) that we formally accept the Model Publication Scheme

Seconded: A Forbes

Unanimous vote

Terms of Reference (attached) were outlined. It was agreed to adopt them in principle and adjust them as required

Proposed: C Forbes

Seconded: F Porter

Unanimous vote

b) Community responder scheme (DM)

This scheme has received funding for half the cost of a defibrillator from the British Heart Foundation. There is the possibility of the remaining funds being found locally. Mike Walsh gave a brief account of how this may occur (details will be expanded at a later date)

Any volunteers should give their name and address to DM who will forward them to EMAS allowing a CRB check to occur prior to formal training ACTION DM

c) Allotments (MWr)

MWr described the suggested scheme; land behind the tennis courts.

Leader properties own the land and have indicated that they are happy in principle.

There is a covenant on the land to prevent building; raised by Yvonne Tomkins, Willowbrook Lodge. The parish will approach Yvonne to advise of the allotment project and ask for her agreement ACTION MWr

Dennis Chamberlain is happy to assist with the logistics of the project

A short discussion followed about the cost of water to the site. This will be researched ACTION MWr

d) Polling facilities (MWr)

The garage of Rick and Sandy Avern (Willowbrook House, Manor Farm) has been approved for use as a polling station for the residents of Apethorpe.

Many thanks to Rick and Sandy for their generosity in providing this valuable public space

e) Public telephone box (MWr)

The request to retain the box is with the Secretary of State; the response may take up to 1 year. Feedback will be given when it is received

f) Neighbourhood watch

Guy Porter has agreed to assume the role of coordinator following Richard Dorling’s note that he might not be available to assist.

The meeting was grateful for Guy’s offer of help and also extended their thanks to Richard Dorling for his efforts since arriving in the village.

This will be a standing item on the agenda ACTION GP

g) Childrens play area/scheme

ENDC have recruited Play Rangers to facilitate play and sports schemes in villages throughout Northamptonshire. They bring all the equipment and anticipate managing after school clubs and holiday clubs. ENDC wanted to know if the scheme was of interest and if any outdoor space could be made available

· 0-7 years (play)

· 7-13 years (fun and sport)

· 13+years(sports coaching)

It was suggested by the meeting that The Green at Apethorpe Hall maybe a suitable site. MWr to ask EH ACTION MWr

The scheme requires a local facilitator. Rachel Johnson kindly offered; it was suggested that she may gain assistance form Laura Parkinson ACTION RJ

h) Peacocks/hens (Molly & Polly!)

George Kelly and Dave Moisey set traps in Mike Walsh’s garden. They have been moved to Haddon – we were informed they are happy with the move.

4. Finance report (M Walsh)


MW advised that an audit will be required 31st March 2009 but that this will not attract a fee as we only have income this year ACTION MW

5. Apethorpe Annual Precept – 2009/2010

Currently this is zero rated for Apethorpe

If the meeting decides on a precept the value will be divided between the 93 households in the village

This was discussed and a proposal was made to retain the zero precept

Proposed: M Hindmarch

Seconded: F Porter

Majority vote to carry the proposal

  1. Highways and planning issues

a) Local planning applications:

Nil to report

b) Winter driving & Road Salting Routes

MWr distributed ENDC maps of salted routes. Please contact Malcolm if you wish to have a copy ACTION ALL

c) Local priorities (e.g. Sign for Laundry Road)

Following a recent ‘mail shot’ request form MWr a list of priorities for the villagers of Apethorpe have been forward to ENDC

i. Footpath maintenance between Apethorpe and Kingscliffe

ii. Improved signage and sight lines on the approach to the bridge

iii. Signage indicating that Laundry Road is a ‘no through road’ and indicate a speed limit

iv. Highway maintenance along the road to Nassington

v. Repair of loose kerbstones through the village

vi. Parking around the pub, particularly on the grass verges

  1. Village Calendar

Described by MJ who will circulate a full description throughout the village


An enthusiastic discussion followed. All attending thought this was an excellent idea and encouraged Mike to pursue this ACTION MJ

  1. Apethorpe Hall

This property remains unsold

MWr advised that EH were planning more tours this year as follows:

· June-September 09

· Wednesday and Saturday

· 10.30, 13.00, 15.30

A Forbes offered his assistance ACTION MWr/DM

  1. Kings Head Update

Julia thanked the village for their patience over the festive season as increased business had resulted in some parking difficulties

Julia described

· Burns night supper (24th Jan)

· Valentine’s supper (13th Feb)

· Valentine’s dinner (14th Feb)

  1. Any other business

In future AOB will be replaced with items of information as large items of AOB do not allow sufficient consideration to be given to possibly important items.

Anyone attending the meeting should ensure that they inform the clerk of items 5 days ahead of the meeting; they can be provided by email at or by post at Reed House

Information given was that there was a programme about Apethorpe Hall on BBC1, 7.30pm 14/01/09

  1. Date of next meeting – Tuesday 28th April 2009

Apethorpe Parish News

Services in February 2009 Sunday 1st February 11am Matins Mrs Ord

Sunday 8h February 11am Family Eucharist Rev Michael Whawell

Sunday 15th February 11am Family Eucharist Canon M. McAdam

Sunday 22nd February 11am Family Eucharist Canon John Beaumont

Sunday 1st March 6pm Benefice Evensong Bishop John


LENT begins in February. The word itself is an Old English word meaning “spring”, but at church it refers to the 40 days and 40 nights running up to Easter. During Lent we prepare ourselves to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and discover how those great events affect our lives as individuals and as a community. Traditionally Lent is a time for “giving up” something as an act of self-discipline. I rather prefer the idea of “taking on something extra”. So you could try attending our Lent Meetings, which are going to happen on Tuesday evenings throughout March when we shall be getting to know each other and looking at the Bible together. Full details will appear in next month’s newsletter. LENT starts on Ash Wednesday, 25th February. There will be special services that day at 9.30am (Nassington) and 7.30pm (Woodnewton). We hope you will join us. With warmest good wishes to you all +JOHN FLACK WE have been busy in the Church over the past few weeks, firstly Pat Kittens has kindly cleaned out the Bell room which was covered in sticks, old nests and dead birds. He has also cleaned out the parapet on the tower that was full of guano from the pigeons, a truly filthy job, well done and thank you Pat. We are putting wire anti pigeon spikes on the parapet to try to stop them using it to court and breed. Roy Rogers and his son are going to insure that the spire and the tower are bird proof in the future. We are also installing security into the church to protect the roof, which will no longer be insured against theft by either of the approved insurance companies. There will also be more security installed for the inside of the building and its contents.