Saturday, 10 May 2008

May 2008

May 2008
Where is this?
Well here goes for the first time. Many of you will already know that Mike Johnson has finally relinquished the vice like grip that he held in his role of editor of the Village News. I would like to be one of the first to thank Mike for all his hard work over the last few years, and for the informed communication that he put out so well. I'm sure that everyone would wish to join me in those thanks- THANK YOU Mike. I will attempt to achieve the same high standard set by Mike, and if there is anything within the village that you would like to pass on to others please feel free to let me know so they may be included in the next issue. Some pictures will be included that may be of interest over the coming newsletters and to that end you may like to try and guess where some of the pictures were taken. They have all been taken in and around Apethorpe either past or present. So the above is the first. There's no prizes for guessing - just plain smug satisfaction! I will confirm the images (if known) in the following issue. Apologies to those of you who do not yet have the ability to view the new look newsletters over the internet in full resplendent colour, but for now, we shall only continue to print an abridged Newsletter for those people who request one and this will be in mono only. Therefore starting with the next issue the Newsletter will only be distributed to those people who have requested a copy. (See end of Newsletter below). This will do two things - it will reduce the need for printing so many copies and at the same time help the environment. Additionally, it will enable greater flexibility when uploading the Newsletter onto the Internet which means that pictures and video clips can be included. Regular checking on the site will ensure you keep up to date. Why not save it as a favourite? WALL OF DEATH Well done to Andrew Williams who recently leapt from the roof of Woolworth's to raise money for charity. He is pictured here (far side) with a collegue just before the abseil descent. A good deal of money was raised and Andrew got safely to earth with only a minor injury to his leg. Buying him drinks in the pub will boost his confidence for his next adventure. EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS
It's important that any forthcoming events are advertised as much as possible. To that end the newsletter can help promote - but only if we know about them in good time. Please let us know all the details by e-mailing to: (you may click on this link to send an e-mail)
Village Events
June 7th - Apethorpe Ramblers Society. The inaugural meeting of the Apethorpe Ramblers Society will take place on Saturday June 7th. A.R.S. will depart from the King's Head car park at 11.00am and walk to Southwick arriving by 12.00. After a refreshing libation at the Shuckburgh Arms, we will return to Apethorpe arriving back at approximately 1.30pm. If you wish to have lunch at the King's Head, please arrange this with Julia or Steve Wells The walk could be a bit muddy in parts if there has been a lot of rain. The walk should be 3-wheeler friendly, except for one stile - but I'm sure we can lift any smaller members of A.R.S over that! If you want to bring push chairs, please check with Simon or Rachel Johnson (470642) who will walk the route the day before to check ground conditions."

June 11th - The St Andrew's University Madrigal Group. Concert starts at 19.30. Tickets are £5.00 and are available at the door or can be pre-booked from 01832 277132. Anyone who has any accommodation available for one or more of the students please contact the above number or let Andrew Forbes know at the School House, Apethorpe.

July 19th - Garage Sale. There is to be a garage sale and exchange during the morning from 09.00 until 12.00hrs.

Are you anything like the Johnsons who have 2 bicycles, a washing machine & 3 microwaves in their garage, all of which are surplus to requirement? There will be an opportunity to rid yourselves of superfluous tat & to purchase fellow villagers stuff on the morning of the village party on Saturday 19th July between 9am and 12noon. Apethorpians are duly invited to array any unwanted goods they wish to sell in front of their abodes for the perusal of, & purchase by, their fellow villagers.

July 19th - Village Party. This will take place in the grounds of the Manor House and will be commence at 16.00hrs. There will be a Hog Roast at 18.00 and there will also be games, music and drink. Richard Parkinson has kindly agreed to head up the organisation of the event but will need LOTS OF HELP. If you can assist in any way, either prior to, or on the day please contact Richard. Apethorpe Tennis Club

TENNIS CLUB NEWS The tennis club has been active throughout the Winter on the new all-weather court. There are still vacancies for any villagers, who are not already members to join – contact Mike Phillips (470591) or Jane Parsell (01832 226286). There will be a social evening/ BBQ on Aug ust 2nd with live band Fortissimo Swing Band. Tickets are £10 (£5 for under 12 years) & the event is open to all. A donation from the proceeds will be made to Marie Curie Cancer Care. Contact Mike or Geoff Grice (470880) for tickets. Come, give us your support & have a fun evening.
August 2nd - Tennis Club BBQ with Fortissimo Swing Band.
The King's Head
Julia & Steve would like remind everyone that the pub will be open all day on Saturdays throughout the Summer as from May 28th 2008.
Village Meeting April 29th 2008
APETHORPE VILLAGE – ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TUESDAY, 29TH APRIL 2008 7-30 p.m. at THE KINGS HEAD, APETHORPE MEETING MINUTES Chairman: Andrew Forbes In Attendance: Councillor Heather Smith – County Councillor, Prebendal Division Attendance: 33 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from G. Ord, P and K Howells, M. Parkinson, G. Porter, A. Walsh, V. Faraday Minutes of the last Meeting Copies of the Minutes of the meeting on 20th February 2008 were circulated, proposed, seconded and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. Matters Arising a) Lilac Cottage The Chairman reported that the latest Planning Application had been refused on 07/03/2008, the main reasons for this refusal being external appearance of the development, materials chosen, scale of the new building, adverse impact, development contrary to planning policy, loss of historic fabric and limited information submitted. b) Other planning matters Revised plans have been submitted for Bluefield’s Farm Barns. An application has been submitted for a Juliet Balcony at 1 Manor Farm – The Balcony is a decorative feature across a first floor window. c) Community Response Scheme There is no further information on this matter d) Footpath between Apethorpe and Kings Cliffe. Cllr Smith reported that the footpath was not yet finished and that the surface has to be levelled/ more top soil added in places/ compaction of the soil and further grass seeding is to take place. Further work is required at the village end of the footpath and tarmac is being placed on a section at the Kings Cliffe end. Money is in place for these works. There is a problem with the frequency of grass cutting which is only about 4 times per year. Ideally a sponsor is needed to provide finance for the maintenance of the footpath and the Chairman agreed to contact English Heritage on this matter in return for their use of the village amenity with regard to tours of Apethorpe Hall. Concern was expressed that cars park on the grass verge opposite the Kings Head car park and this is causing damage to the verge. Cllr Smith reported that low growing shrubs can be planted to deter verge parking and a list of appropriate species can be obtained form David Grindley, NCC Streetworks Manager Tel 01604 654332. However a licence to plant is required. The Chairman thanked Cllr Smith for her support in these matters. e) Bridge Repairs A two week period is required for the bridge repair works and the start has been delayed. Richard Parkinson stated that he had been given a date by the Highways Department of 2nd June 2008 for the commencement but this has not yet been confirmed. The bridge is a Grade 2 listed bridge and is regularly tested to ensure that it will take heavy vehicles. Graham Warren asked that the bridge barriers be painted as part of these works although it is not known if this is part of the contract. The idea was proposed that during the repair period village cars could be parked in the gated car park on the northern side of the road to save the long detour to Oundle. The Chairman agreed to contact Lady Brassey to determine if this is possible. It was stated to Cllr Smith that the roads around Glapthorne had been much improved but the main road from Apethorpe to Oundle has only been patched and was, therefore, very uncomfortable to drive over. Cllr Smith said that roads are only re-surfaced on a 40 year cycle and that filling potholes and patching is the only work generally taking place. The Apethorpe – Nassington Road was due to be patched on May 14th and would be closed for 2 days. f) Allotments Malcolm Winder reported that he had contacted Leda Properties of Abingdon about the land behind the Tennis Club which potentially could be used as allotments. Leda had sent a map of their land ownership and agreed to investigate the proposed allotment area which is currently set aside as a natural space. They are viewing the implications of using this land as allotments and will discuss this in the near future. g) Salting of the Wansford/Kings Cliffe Road The Council have provided an additional £1m for salting all the counties roads with a view to reducing the number of winter accidents. It is expected that there will be monies for the Wansford Road and Cllr Smith will report back to us on the situation here. h) Social Housing Following the last Village Meeting, the Chairman wrote to the East Northamptonshire Council that the village did not wish to participate in a survey to identify any need for Social Housing in the Village. The Council have responded that they are disappointed with this response due the shortage of social housing in the area and they had identified potential sites here. The Council have said that they will come back to the Village on this matter in the next year. Richard Parkinson stated that such social housing would be a benefit since people who retire or lose their jobs or require starter housing have no where to go in Apethorpe. 4. Election of Officers The following officers were duly elected: Chairman – Malcolm Winder - Proposer: Richard Parkinson Seconder: Andrew Forbes Secretary – Deborah Manger - Proposer: Malcolm Winder Seconder: Rick Avern Treasurer – Mike Walsh - Proposer: Fiona Porter Seconder: Lynn Winder 5. Financial Report The Treasurer reported that there has been no movement in the Village Account which remained at £150-03. Alistair Goodall was thanked for acting as auditor for these accounts. 6. Apethorpe Hall Nick Hill of English Heritage has send a memo to the Chairman that John Coulson the Visitor Manager has requested that the Hall be opened for timed, guided tours on Wednesdays and Saturdays during June, July and August 2008. The conditions of tours would be as before and with a view to minimal disruption to the Village. As above, the matter of English sponsoring the footpath maintenance was re-iterated Construction work on the Hall will be completed in June 2008 and the Hall will then be marketed for sale in the Summer 2008. 7. Village Party. The Village Party will be on Saturday, 19th July and, as last year, Richard Parkinson has kindly agreed to head-up the organisation of the event. Lady Brassey has kindly offered the Manor House Grounds and a Hog Roast will take place here – as last year. Laura Parkinson and Fiona Porter have offered to help with the Children’s events. Rick Avern will publish more details of the occasion via the Village Newsletter. 8. Forthcoming Events Richard Parkinson thanked everyone involved in the Village Tidy which was very successful. This is a good time of year for the event and will be repeated in the future. A tidy of the Churchyard and refurbishment of the paths has taken place to give a much improved appearance Andrew Forbes arranged a very enjoyable concert last weekend with the Oundle School Choir before a full audience in the Church. St. Andrew’s University Madrigal Group is returning for a Church Concert for the last time on 11th June 2008. As before, accommodation is required in the village for 10 girls and 8 boys and Andrew Forbes asked for offers of help with this accommodation. The information on the concert will be published in the Newsletter. The Tennis Club is holding a Social Event with live music and a barbeque on Saturday, 2nd August 2008 at Lodge Farm. Richard Parkinson proposed a Street party when the bridge is closed for maintenance works. 9. Any Other Business Rachel Johnson offered to establish and organise an Apethorpe Ramblers Society for Everyone which would undertake Saturday Morning walks over a period of one to two hours ending at the Kings Head about lunchtime. This idea was very well received and Rachel will proceed to organise the first of these to be published on the notice board and in the newsletter. Rachel also proposed a Garage Sale and Exchange for the Village on a barter or sale basis of unwanted garage items or bric-a-brac (Bric-a-brac Exchange And Sale Trading). This event could be advertised locally and this proposal was accepted for the event to coincide with the morning of the Village Party from 9a.m. to 12 noon. Thanks to Rachel for these ideas. Rick Avern – Editor of the Village Newsletter – advised the meeting that he is setting up a web site for village news/information. This will be . Any features for the Newsletter to Rick at Many thanks were given to Andrew Forbes for his role as Chairman over the past two years and to Pat Howells for the work as Village Meeting Secretary together with dealing with the heavy workload in pursuing the project of the new footpath. Mike Walsh was also thanked for his work as Village Treasurer. Cllr Smith confirmed to the meeting that the Council is still committed to maintaining rights of ways over land and keeping footpath open as before Cllr Smith was thanked for attending the meeting. 10. Date of Next Meeting The date proposed for the next meeting is Tuesday, 7th October 2008 at 7-30 p.m. at the King’s Head, Apethorpe. NB. You will only be able to continue receiving the abridged printed version of the Newsletter if you let me know by dropping a note into the letterbox at Willowbrook House, Manor Farm giving your name and address. View the full version now on