George Kelley in the Daily Mail
Hey - Just look at this fantastic article that appeared in the Daily Mail today.
My thanks to Simon Johnson for alerting us to it.
Just follow the link by highlighting all of it and pasting into the web browser window.
It may not be a surprise to some people to know that Pharmacies attached to Doctors surgeries are under threat. However some of you may not be aware of what is proposed, and to that end I have inserted a document from Wansford Practice. This also applied to all rural practices, and we have also a document with much the same information from the Oundle Practice.
If you have strong views on this, then you should act as soon as possible to make your views known as suggested in the letter by the date indicated.
Wansford Surgery
Future of GP surgeries threatened with the loss of retaining their Right to Dispense Prescriptions You may have read in the press recently that surgeries such as ours are at risk of losing the right to dispense prescriptions. This, for our patients, would mean them having to travel to another pharmacy to cash their prescriptions after seeing the doctor. It could also mean that we would have no alternative other than to curtail certain services and in many parts of the country could lead to the closure of surgeries. To help rural surgeries secure their right to dispense we are asking for your support please by writing a letter to: Gillian Farnfield, Area 453D, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London SE1 6LH with a copy of the letter to us please for us to pass on to the MP In doing this we would ask that you please make reference, in your letter tothe fact that this would result in a reduced service, lack of choice as to where you would be able to dispense your prescription, and inconvenience in having to travel miles to cash your prescritption. We have until the 20th November to appeal against this so please make sure your letters are sent and received by this time. If you want to see an end to Dispensing from your surgery, do nothing. If, however, you want to change any of these plans you need to let the Government know your views, at the above address, as they believe they are acting for YOU. Thank you for your support Drs Takhar, Nally, Hume, Hawkins, Baker and Jones
Together again at last!!
Residents may remember that during July, an abandoned stolen car was found next to The King's Head very late one night. On that same night Margaret Parkinson had her bicycle stolen from the garage and it was assumed that this bike was used as a means of transport for the perpetrator of the crime to get away on. However it appears that not being as fit as Margaret, they only managed to get as far as Wansford before ditching the bike in a hedge there.
Amazingly during October Sandy Avern (resident super sleuth) noticed an advert in Wansford Post Office saying that a ladies bike had been found, giving a number to ring. Passing this on to the Parkinsons Margaret was thrilled to learn it was indeed her bike, and they are now happily re-united. Here's a video clip showing just how pleased she is!!
Apethorpe Parish Meeting - Notes Tuesday, 7th October 2008, 7.30pm, Kings Head 1. Apologies: Dennis & Anne Chamberlain Linda Hindmarch Phil Brown Pat Howells Richard Dorling Simon Johnson Ian Groundwater Guy Porter Roger Glitheroe George Ord 2. Minutes of last meeting Proposed – Richard Parkinson Seconded- Lynn Winder
Matters arising a) Community responder scheme (D Manger) Recently Sean Keown has contacted DM advising re British Heart Foundation application and possibility of training. Sean has suggested a meeting and DM asked people to contact her & Sean so that this can be taken forward ACTION DM b) Footpath maintenance (M Winder & H Smith) MWr described the development of the pathway between Apethorpe & Kingscliffe. He confirmed that the East Northants DC will perform 4 cuts per year using a verge cutter. HS suggested that if the village required a closer cut during the year that this would have to be arranged locally. The options included: · Maintain the path ourselves accepting personal liability · Accept the condition of the path · Raise a village precept which would be gathered by EN DC on behalf of the village A discussion ensued regarding the maintenance and the possibility of maintenance. MW asked the meeting for a vote on the use of volunteers who accept personal liability. (Proposed R.Parkinson, seconded M.Johnson). A majority vote was carried. The cutting of the path will be facilitated by volunteers ACTION MWr c) Allotments (MWr) MWr has had communication with the owner of the land behind the tennis courts (Leader Properties). The owner is happy to enter into an arrangement with the village. MWr suggested that a volunteer was required to take this project forward and liaise with the company. Laura Parkinson will lead on this project & will feedback to the parish meeting ACTION LP d) Thanks (MWr) The parish meeting wished to formally extend its thanks to Andrew Forbes and Pat Howells for their dedication and hard work during the tenure of their posts as Chairman and Clerk respectively. 4. Finance report (M Walsh) MW presented the accounts (attached) The parish meeting would like to thank Mike Walsh for his continued efforts on behalf of the village. Countywide planning issues and local planning applications MWr & DM advised the meeting that EN DC requires the parish meeting to report on points of accuracy with respect to local plans and that points of style should be made by individuals It was also pointed out that in order for the village to be fully engaged with countywide issues a volunteer is required who could offer the meeting assistance; attending strategy meetings, assessing local plans. Anyone who has an interest in this please speak to MWr ACTION ALL DM advised the only recent application in the village, apart from Coach House (see later) was an internal change to the cottages at 6-7 Bridge Street; this has been approved. The application for Lilac Cottage is at appeal during which time no further comments are allowed a) Update of Parish Watch Meeting (M Johnson) MJ had attended a strategy meeting regarding minerals and waste management. He concluded that the possible future local impact was that the A47 would become busier with heavy traffic. Communications and the ‘blog’ (R Avern) RA described the ‘Communicare’ scheme to the meeting; this is currently described on the blog. This charitable patient – doctor association, based at Wansford, would like increased input from service users. Please approach the Wansford surgery for further information ACTION ALL RP asked if the parish news could be placed on the blog. It was agreed that this was appropriate ACTION RP/RA RA advised that a paper version of the blog is available for those villagers who request it 7. Polling facilities (MWr) MWr advised the meeting that there are currently no polling facilities in Apethorpe. He described the facilities that are legally required: needs to have a private area for casting of vote and toilet facilities A discussion followed regarding the options: homes within village, postal votes RA offered access to his garage and downstairs toilet facilities. This will be proposed to EN DC ACTION MWr 8. Public telephone box (MWr) It has been confirmed that Apethorpe public telephone box has been identified as a box that will be removed. MWr has written to the Secretary of State advising that the box should remain for the following reasons; · Heritage feature within a conservation area · Poor mobile phone signals · Need for an emergency phone · We are awaiting a response. A discussion followed about the possibility of purchasing a maintaining the box. No conclusion was reached 9. Freedom Of Information Act (MWr) The parish meeting must comply with FOI conditions and requests form January 2009. The following will be required: · Terms of reference (attached – please comment) ACTION ALL · Publication of meeting notes and storage of all material and documents pertaining to parish meeting activities ACTION MWr/DM Any other business a) Apethorpe Ramblers Society (R Johnson) Next meeting will occur when the White Swan at Woodnewton opens; the walk will include a visit for refreshment b) Sign for Laundry Road; ‘no through rd’/‘kids’(F Porter) FP described the reasons why some residents of Laundry Road would like a sign that indicated that this was not a through road. This will require an inquiry to the Highways Authority ACTION MWr c) Access and Planning Application for Coach House (RJ) RJ described the anticipated timeframe for renovations to Coach House and the lack of access through the driveway of Coach House during this period. There was a lengthy discussion regarding whether this would continue following the building works; some residents of Manor Farm felt strongly that this would not be permitted. It was concluded that the parish meeting could not facilitate this issue and it was agreed that Simon and Rachel Johnson would check the legal and liability issues again; they would confirm the outcome with their neighbours ACTION S&RJ The planning application is available for viewing (blog) and comments can be forwarded to the planning officer directly or through MWr d) Neighbourhood watch (DM on behalf of Richard Dorling) Richard Dorling has advised us that he anticipates leaving the village in approximately 6 months time; he would like somebody to assume the role of Neighbourhood Watch coordinator before he leaves Volunteers please speak to MWr ACTION ALL e) Church ‘development’ (RP) RP described the possible reprovision of the pews in the church to enable the building to be used as a community facility. Discussions included: · The merits of removing the pews · The need for a community facility · Versatility of chairs It was suggested that this discussion required a formal discussion and should not be managed as AOB. This was agreed and will be discussed formally at the next meeting. All interested parties should forward discussion points to DM prior to the next meeting so that they can be made available with the agenda ACTION ALL f) Childrens play area (MWr) EN DC has funding available to develop childrens play areas specifically for the 8-13 year age group. There are currently 26 children in the village and it was agreed by those in attendance that this would be a worthy project This project requires a lead (volunteer). Enquiries to MWr ACTION ALL g) Peacocks/peahens (C Forbes) These recent visitors appear to be causing damage to plants and property. Advice will be sought form Dave Moisey on how these birds can be managed ACTION MWr Date of next meeting – 13th January 2009

Autumn Colours Sunday 2nd November 11am Patronal Festival Bishop John Flack Sunday 9th November 11am Remembrance Sunday. Rev Michael Whawell War Memorial 10.55 Remembrance Service Lt Col Peter Kerruish Sunday 16th November 11am Family Eucharist Canon Michael McAdam Sunday 23rd November 11am Family Eucharist Canon John Beauumont Sunday 30th November 11am Holy Communion Rev Dr Jack McDonald
There will be a coffee morning in aid of St Leonard’s on Saturday 15th November from 10.30 in the Shooting Cottage, Manor House. Fabulous, inexpensive jewellery, ideal as Christmas presents, will be on sale. For more information ring 470690 or 470231. Bishop John Flack will give a talk on Wednesday 26th November entitled “My life in the Vatican” at 7.30 in the Church. This will be a fascinating insight into the workings of the Vatican. Refreshments will be provided. Tickets are free and available from Lady Brassey 470231, Tamara Ord 470683 or Richard P 470653. On Sunday the 30th, Jack McDonald will celebrate Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer. This is possibly his last visit for sometime. Bishop John will conduct a Confirmation for 12 candidates here. The Ven: David Painter Archdeacon of Oakham will preach, and Andrew Forbes will provide a choir from Oundle School. Canon Michael McAdam will take a Christening, Christingle and carol service on the 21st December. More details next month. For the past two years a traveling crib (Posada) has been taken into homes in Nassington during December leading up to Christmas. This year we would like it to travel to all of our Church Parish, Please contact Philippa Joice on 01780 782773 if you want more information or wish to give the Posada a home for the night.